3 Kg Beech Charcoal - Compatible with Lotus Grill Barbecue

Brand: YesEatIs

€ 9,00 

  • Price last 30 days: € 9,00
  • Shipping costs: € 7,90
  • Estimated shipping date by: 30/07/2024
  • Delivery date expected by: 01/08/2024
  • *Free shipping if you reach € 99,00
  • Availability: Immediate
  • Code: LITGAS-3KG
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1 kg of beech charcoal is sufficient for approximately 6 uses for a standard LotusGrill and 3 times for a LotusGrill XL. ideal for grills, barbecues and restaurants, pizzerias, quick ignition, high efficiency. Charcoal has a long ember life but at the same time low ash combustion. The even heat will make your food perfect. It lights quickly and the smoke is very low. Therefore, charcoal is easy to use and food is perfect with the appropriate heat. Slow burning