3 kg shopper classic line

€ 34,90 

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  • Estimated shipping date by: 30/07/2024
  • Delivery date expected by: 01/08/2024
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  • Code: MAN-HANPAS
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HANDY PASTA - GIFT PACKAGES - Contains 3 kg of classic line pasta packaged in 500 g bags: 1 spaghetti, 1 square spaghetti, 1 linguina, 1 penne, 1 pacchero, 1 fusilli. Average nutritional values ??for - Average nutrition values ??for - Average nutritional values ??for - Average nutrition values ??for - (100 g): Energy - Energy - Energie - Energie - Valor Enèrgetico 1533 kJ 365 Kcal - Fat - Fat - Fett - Matières grasses - Grasas 1.1 g - Of which: saturated fatty acids / Of witch: saturates / Davon: gesà¤ttigte Fettsà¤uren / Dont: les acides gras satura©s / De la cuales: à cidos grasos saturades 0.22 g Carbohydrates - Carbohydrate - Kohlenydrate - Glucides Carbohidrates 75,0 g - Of which: sugars / Of witch: sugares / Davon: Zucker / Dont: sucres / Of the cuales: azàºcares 3,6 g - Fibra - Fibree - Ballaststoffe - Fibres alimentaires - Fibra alimentaire 2 .5 g Proteine ??- Proteins - Eiweis - Protà©ines - Proteinas 13.4 g - Sale - Salt - Salz - Sel - Sal 0.010 g.