Information and use of cookies

We work continuously to ensure that our site is interesting and useful to our customers, responding to their needs. Cookies are part of the tools available to us to achieve this objective.

What are cookies and how do they work? On this page you will find detailed information about cookies and instructions on how to manage them from your computer. Let's start with the frequently asked questions...

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of information placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit most websites. Their purpose is to guarantee you the best possible user experience when you visit the same website multiple times.

Why does use cookies?

Cookies allow us to improve the content, functionality and speed of the site, while allowing us to understand what our users like and dislike and to adapt the site to their needs. We also use cookies to ensure that the ads on our site better reflect your interests. uses cookies to guarantee you a useful, intuitive and interesting website for your searches.

Without the use of cookies, a website is not able to remember the user's preferences or login credentials on their next visit. For example, by allowing your browser to save cookies you will not be forced to enter your username each time you log in: cookies will help us remember this information for you.

Here is a list of the main cookies used by and information on how they work.

What cookies does use?

Cookies from the websites displayed and third-party cookies uses various types of cookies. “Displayed website cookies” are set by, while “third party cookies” are set by our partners, vendors and suppliers. The latter allow you to access special content on our site, such as videos and advertisements, provided to third parties. Third-party cookies do not recognize your personal data, but only your computer as soon as you access our site and, sometimes, also the sites of other companies. These cookies also help us collect important information about the use of the site (website analytics). You will find more information on this below.

Permanent cookies and session cookies

Like most websites, we also use "session cookies", which remain on your computer during your stay on our website, to then be deleted when you close your browser. "Permanent cookies" on the other hand are saved on your browser to be used the next time you access the website

Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies allow you to browse our site and use all its essential features. Without them our site would not function properly and users would not be able to use its main services. Strictly necessary cookies allow you to use essential features during the purchasing process or to log in securely to your account pages. These cookies are strictly necessary because without them you would not be able to access the main services available on our website.

Performance and functionality cookies

These cookies ensure the display of practical features such as maps and videos. They also allow you to save your settings on our website, including previously viewed tabs or search results. These are essential cookies, because they allow us to improve the performance and functionality of our site, to make it useful and interesting for the purposes of your searches.

Analytical and preference cookies

We use analytical and preference cookies to collect information on the use of the site by our users and to discover the level of appreciation of our marketing initiatives. The data collected also helps us to personalize the website according to your needs and to offer interesting and relevant content to your searches.

Social network cookies

As the name suggests, these cookies allow our users to share content through third-party social networks. This type of cookie is set by the social network service provider.

In detail, the cookies present on the site are as follows:

Cookie name Purpose Type of cookie Duration Source and origin of the cookies Recorded information Cases in which it is used Access to information DatiUser Allows the user's browsing session to be recognised. Technical cookies 30 days User data Browsing profiling Mikand Way S.r.l. IdUser User identifier Technical cookies 30 days User data Browsing profiling Mikand Way S.r.l. IdUserProvv Allows us to recognize the origin of the user Technical cookies 30 days User data Browsing profiling Mikand Way S.r.l. LawCookie Allows you to recognize whether the user approves the use of cookies. Technical cookies End of session User data Browsing profiling Mikand Way S.r.l. ASPSESSIONIDCCADSRBT Allows you to recognize the user's browsing session on the server side. Technical cookies End of session Unique session identifier Entire site Mikand Way S.r.l. __autvc Encryption of sensitive data of the user's browsing session. Technical cookies End of session Unique session identifier Entire site Mikand Way S.r.l. APISID, HSID, PREF, SID Allows Google to provide its own tailor-made services Third-party cookies Google Site navigation tracking The entire Google Inc. site. For information on Google Analytics cookies, see here. For information on Google Inc's management of privacy, see here. datr Allows Facebook to provide its own tailor-made services. Third party cookies Facebook Login to the site with social profile Entire site For information on Facebook cookies see here. For information on Facebook's management of privacy, see here.

How to manage cookies?

After having reviewed the functioning of cookies and their use by to improve your user experience, here some useful tips to help you manage cookies from your computer.

You can set or modify your browser controls to delete or disable cookies. However, by choosing to disable cookies you may have limited access to some features and areas of our website. On the website you will find simple instructions for managing cookies on different types of browsers.

Most advertising networks offer the possibility to refuse cookies. To find out more about managing and/or disabling advertising cookies, consult the Digital Advertising Alliance and Your Online Choices websites.

For more information on cookies and other technologies used by, write to us email using the customer service contact form. We will do our best to answer your questions.

Now cookies will no longer have secrets for you!